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NTD Inclusion Score Card (NISC) Tool

The NTD Inclusion Score Card (NISC) is a self-assessment tool developed for NTD organisations to track and measure performance in terms of inclusion and meaningful participation of persons affected by NTDs in policy and decision-making processes in their own organisation. The NISC aims to further enable NTD organisations to gain a better understanding of existing challenges and gaps in relation to inclusion and participation of persons affected by NTDs. It assesses performance in seven key domains: Governance, Programme Management, Human Resources, Financial Resources, Accessibility, External Relations, and Communication.  

Based on the findings from the self-assessment, the organisation is encouraged to come up with an action plan and steps towards a more inclusive organisation. 

The NISC application can be downloaded and installed on a windows computer. After downloading, installation and its use is fully offline. The NISC application exclusively records your self-assessment data on your own computer. No data is transmitted to the internet or any other parties. 

Please note that you can find the NISC Action Plan Toolkit in the folder NISC Resources. The resources are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hindi. 

Facilitation for the NISC is available. Please reach out to InfoNTD if you are interested. 

The development of the NISC was sponsored by ILEP 


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