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No evidence for linkage between leprosy susceptibility and the human natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) gene in French Polynesia.


In order to determine whether a human homolog (NRAMP1) to a murine candidate gene for resistance to mycobacteria influences susceptibility to human disease, we analyzed data from seven multicase leprosy families (84 individuals) from French Polynesia for linkage markers within the NRAMP1 gene and leprosy per se. Individual family members were typed at nine polymorphic loci within NRAMP1. In addition, three physically linked, polymorphic microsatellite markers-D2S104, D2S173 and D2S1471-were also typed. Linkage analyses were done using affected sibpair and LOD score methods employing different modes of inheritance with full and reduced penetrance. The results of this study strongly suggest that NRAMP1 is not linked to leprosy susceptibility in the French Polynesian families tested.

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Journal Article
Roger M
Levee G
Chanteau S
Gicquel B
Schurr E

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