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Lepromatous leprosy treated with recombinant interferon gamma: cutaneous histologic changes.


We report on the histologic changes occurring in single cutaneous lesions, from six active lepromatous patients, 1 week following the administration of three daily intradermal injections, 35 micrograms each, of recombinant interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma). Except for a strong induration at the injection site, rIFN-gamma produced no adverse systemic reactions and was able to promote a remarkable influx of T-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes with large nuclei, nonvacuolated cytoplasm, and reduced lysozyme reactivity. Furthermore, despite no clear-cut reduction of mycobacterial dermal burden, bacilli showed a clear increase in the granular appearance. Present findings provide a basis for further elucidation of rIFN-gamma as an additional tool for leprosy treatment.

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Journal Article
Bottasso O
Besuschio S
Merlin V
Morini J C
Bernabo J
Falcoff R
Falcoff E

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