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Progression of eye lesions in leprosy: ten-year follow-up study in The Netherlands.


Forty-eight leprosy patients in The Netherlands were re-examined 10 years after initial examination. Forty-six of these patients had received a course of multidrug therapy (MDT), according to the World Health Organization recommendation, at the time of their initial examination. Two patients had burned-out disease and had been merely under observation. Out of 40 patients, who initially did not show eye complications due to leprosy, 37 patients were essentially the same 10 years later. The eyes had changed in 3 multibacillary patients: 1 patient had developed a late type 1 reaction with facial nerve involvement and lagophthalmos; 2 patients had undergone intra-ocular surgery for cataract and acute glaucoma, respectively. Out of 8 patients with pre-existing eye involvement, 1 patient recovered and the lesions in 2 patients remained unaltered. One patient showed progression of pre-existing exposure keratitis. Four patients had undergone cataract extractions; all four patients were lepromatous, with a long history of disease and signs of iris involvement at the first examination. The main progressive lesions were cataracts in lepromatous patients.

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Journal Article
Hogeweg M
Faber W R