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Lymphatics in leprosy: relationship to elastic fibres and observations following intra-lesional injections of colloidal carbon.


An investigation of skin lymphatics in leprosy has been undertaken. Examination of 62 skin biopsies from 31 patients with various classifications of leprosy has revealed dilated initial lymphatics within granulomas of lepromatous leprosy, but no significant abnormalities in non-lepromatous disease or in non-granulomatous skin. Colloidal carbon injected intra-lesionally failed to appear within granulomas, but could be seen in lymphatics in non-granulomatous dermis. Elastic fibres were also absent within granulomas. AFB were clearly identified within endothelial cells of initial lymphatics. We suggest lymphatic malfunction may be compartmental, existing only within the granulomas and not in the surrounding normal appearing dermis.

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Journal Article
Ryan T J
Jones R L
Mortimer P S
Singh G

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