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A fatal case of erythema necroticans.


Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) classically presents as tender, erythematous nodules over the face, arms and legs. Severe ENL can become vesicular or bullous and break-down and is termed erythema necroticans (Jopling & McDougall, 1996) and is treated with corticosteroids. The causes of death in a majority of leprosy patients are the same as in the general population, with the exception of renal damage in lepromatous leprosy. There is possible increased mortality from side-effects of antileprosy drugs, steroids, or other drugs used in reactions, from toxaemia in severe reactions, and from asphyxia due to glottic oedema (Jopling & McDougall, 1996). We report here a case of erythema necroticans, the cause of death being septicaemia, secondary to skin ulcers and urinary tract infection, precipitated by corticosteroids.

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Journal Article
Davis S V
Shenoi S D
Balachandran C
Pai S B

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