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Dapsone and sulfapyridine.


Dapsone and sulfapyridine are structurally related compounds with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects. Dapsone remains the most important drug for leprosy and is useful in the prophylaxis of Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with HIV disease. The medical treatment of choice for dermatitis herpetiformis is dapsone; and sulfapyridine also can be used for those patients who are intolerant of dapsone. Other neutrophilic disorders also may respond to these drugs. Toxic side effects of both dapsone and sulfapyridine are mediated through the hydroxylamine metabolite. These include hemolysis, methemoglobinemia, and agranulocytosis. Careful monitoring for possible adverse reactions includes frequently performing complete blood counts and regular blood chemistry profile determinations.

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Journal Article
Paniker U
Levine N

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