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Clinical spectrum and quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic polyneuropathy: A cross-sectional study.


Chronic polyneuropathy is a disabling condition of the peripheral nerves, characterized by symmetrical sensory motor symptoms and signs. There is paucity of studies on the etiological spectrum of polyneuropathy and its impact on quality of life. The present cross sectional study in a referral based tertiary care center in North India found diabetic neuropathy as the commonest cause (25.5%) amongst 212 patients with chronic polyneuropathy. Idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy was present in 14.2% patients. Leprosy presenting as confluent mononeuritis multiplex constituted 11.3 % of the patients. Additionally, it revealed a significantly worse quality of life in these patients in all domains measured by short form (SF-36). This is the first study conducted in India to determine the quality of life in chronic neuropathy patients. The current study demonstrates the clinical feasibility and applicability of the SF-36 generic health status in patients with polyneuropathies.

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Journal Article
Panduranga M S
Vibha D
Prasad K
Srivastava AK
Shukla G