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White book on physical and rehabilitation medicine in Europe

Executive Summary 292 1. Introduction 295 2. Definitions 295 2. 2.1 Rehabilitation 295 2. 2.2 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 3. Relevance of rehabilitation for people with disabling conditions and to society 296 2. 3.1 Epidemiological aspects 296 2. 3.2 The World Health Organisation Model of Functioning, Disability and Health in Rehabilitation 297 2. 3.3 Ethical aspects and human rights 299 2. 3.4 Rehabilitation and Health Systems 301 2. 3.5 Aims and outcomes of rehabilitation 302 4. Principles of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 302 2. 4.1 Learning processes as a basic principle of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 302 2. 4.2 Aims of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 303 2. 4.3 The rehabilitation team 303 2. 4.4 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in different phases of the rehabilitation process 304 2. 4.5 Effects of lack of rehabilitation 305 2. 4.6 Prevention 306 5. The Speciality of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 307 2. 5.1 Contribution of the Specialist in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine to the rehabilitation 307 2. 5.1 process 2. 5.2 The Specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe 307 2. 5.3 Pathologies and conditions in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine practice 308 2. 5.4 Diagnostics, assessment and evaluation 308 2. 5.5 Rehabilitation plan 309 2. 5.6 Interventions in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 309 2. 5.7 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine practice - Clinical activities and settings 310 6. Standards in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 311 2. 6.1 Education and training 311 2. 6.2 Clinical Governance and competencies 313 2. 6.3 Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education 314 2. 6.4 The Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the Union Européenne des Médecins 314 2. 5.1 Spécialistes 2. 6.5 The Académie Européenne de Médecine de Réadaptation 316 2. 6.6 The European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 317 7. Research in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 317 2. 7.1 Importance of research in establishing needs and the value of both current and new approa- 317 2. 5.1 ches 2. 7.2 Research facilities and resources 318 2. 7.3 Research training 318 2. 7.4 Publication of research findings 319 8. Future developments 319 2. 8.1 Philosophy 319 2. 8.2 Goals 319 9. References 320

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