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[Visual outcome of cataract surgery in leprosy patients]


Objective: To investigate the sex, age, follow-up time, accompanying eye examination findings in cases with leprosy undergoing cataract surgery. Material and Methods: Twelve eyes of 8 patients with leprosy undergoing cataract surgery between 1998 and 2006 were evaluated in this study. A complete ophthalmological examination including visual acuity, intraocular pressure with applanation tonometry, biomicroscobic examination findings, dilated pupil examination of the posterior segment, and ocular ultrasonography were evaluated at baseline and during follow-up period. Results: There were 6 male (75%) and 2 female (25%). The average age of patients was 58.6 years (42-72 years). Mean follow up period was 3.2 years (1-6 years). Twelve eyes of 8 patients were involved. Four patients had bilateral involvement. Preoperative anterior segment findings included iris atrophy in 8 (66.6%) eyes, posterior synechiae in 6 (50%) eyes, seclusio pupilla in 3 (25%) eyes, lagophtalmus in 2 (16.6%) eyes, trichiasis in 1 (8.3%) eye, corneal opacity in 1 (8.3%) eye. Extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation was performed. The visual acuity at the last follow-up visit was better in 10 (83.3%) eyes, the same in 1 (8.3%) eye and worse in 1 (8.3%) eye than its visual acuity at the baseline. Conclusion: Based on the results that were obtained in this series, there is an affirmative effect of the cataract surgery to the prognosis in leprosy cases. Bilateral involvement was seen in half of cases. The most serious problem for cataract surgery was seen as miotic pupil.

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