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Ultrastructural changes in blood vessels of peripheral nerves in leprosy neuropathy. I. Tuberculoid and borderline-tuberculoid leprosy patients.


Radial or superficial peroneal nerve biopsies of 6 patients with tuberculoid or borderline-tuberculoid leprosy and 6 control nerve biopsies were examined by electron microscopy. Endoneurial blood vessels showed histopathology in all the leprosy patients. Changes, in particular, involved the basement membrane in postcapillary venules and venules. Multilayered parellel basement membranes, with collagen and ground substance, formed a thick coat ("hyaline zone") around the vessels. It is suggested that the zone inhibits passage of nutrients and metabolites and, thus, contributes to or is the main cause of the local destruction of (unmyelinated) nerve fibres and the lack of nerve fibre regeneration observed in this type of leprosy. The perivascular zone, presumably, is produced by pericytes in response to defects in the "blood-nerve barrier" of endoneurial vessels. In granulomata of leprosy skin lesions, a perivascular zone was not present. The endothelium of endoneurial vessels, in affected nerves, generally was normal. Occasionally, however, gaps and fenestrations were seen and there were histological indications that leakage of blood plasma had occurred through the gaps and through the basement membrane of the endothelium. Occlusion of endoneurial vessels was found only in the oldest patient and the degeneration of nerve fibres generally observed thus is considered not to be caused by ischaemia. Histopathology in epi-and perineurial vessels was definitely less pronounced than in endoneurial vessels.

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Journal Article
Boddingius J

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