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[Small intestine transit anomalies in a patient with chronic abdominal pain and treated for Hansen's disease].


This new case of enteropathy due to Clofazimine provided demonstration of the diagnostic value of small bowel follow-through examination in this complication. Various small intestine anomalies have been reported: ileal or partial jejunal lesions; variations in caliber; loss of physiologic folds; irregularly outlined surface and border lacunae and persistence of suppleness of pathologic loops. Knowledge of these anomalies should avoid exploratory laparotomy, Clofazimine-induced enteropathy regressing after discontinuation of treatment. Repeat small bowel follow up examinations can be performed to review course of this regression.

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Journal Article
Davy C
Riveau E
Bousquet J C
Curet P
Vayre P
Cortez A
Grellet J

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