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Serum complement profile in human leprosy and its comparison with immune complex diseases.


In the present study we have estimated the serum levels of early, middle, and distal complement components, e.g., Clq, C3, C4, C5, C8, and C9 along with C1-inactivator and CH50 in patients with tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy and have compared these results with the levels in healthy subjects as well as with levels in patients with other immune complex diseases. We have also analyzed the cryoglobulins present in the sera of these patients; they consisted of either a single or mixed IgG, IgA, IgM or fibrinogen in most instances. The component C3 was found in only one sample. It appears that unlike lupus nephritis, in which complement is activated by direct path in which complement is activated by direct path in about 30% to 50% of leprosy patients, significant C3 complement consumption takes place primarily via the alternate pathway and is probably initiated by the aggregated immunoglobulins represented in cryoprecipitates. This is further supported by the study of serum factor B and its breakdown product (Ba) in these patients. The question of the role of the middle and distal complement components, such as C5, C8 and C9, during total hemolytic complement and C3 consumption in leprosy remains unanswered.

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Journal Article
Saha K
Chakraborty A K

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