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Serum cholinesterase variants in African leprosy patients resident in Rhodesia.


Blood samples from 580 African leprosy patients living in Rhodesia have been phenotyped for the plasma cholinesterase variants. The Africans have been grouped according to country of origin and tribal affiliation. We have found no individual with an Ea1 gene and are unable to resolve the contradictory evidence for an association between this gene and leprosy. The frequency of the Ef1 gene is higher than that usually found in Caucasian populations, being 0.046 in lepromatous leprosy patients and similar to the 0.056 found in healthy African controls. In tuberculoid leprosy patients the frequency is, however, significantly lower at 0.019. On the other hand, the frequency of the C5+ variant is essentially the same for the tuberculoid leprosy patients and the healthy controls (4%) while for the lepromatous leprosy patients it is about 7% approaching the 10-15% found in many Caucasian populations.

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Journal Article
Whittaker M
Lowe R F
Ellis B P