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A second report on multidrug therapy for leprosy in Trinidad and Tobago.


Multidrug therapy consisting of rifampicin, clofazimine and dapsone, was introduced to Trinidad and Tobago in January 1982. This was with slight modification of the WHO regimens. Since then 717 patients have completed multidrug therapy up to the end of December 1987. Of these, 272 patients have completed surveillance and have been discharged from clinic attendance. Thirty-four patients died before completing surveillance and three are known to have migrated. Of the remaining 408 cases still under surveillance, the majority are multibacillary. This paper reviews the outcome of multidrug therapy in Trinidad and Tobago between January 1982 and December 1987--a period of 6 years, and presents some of the statistics related to the newly diagnosed patients within the same period.

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Journal Article
Suite M
Edinborough N B

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