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[Rapid detection of mutations related to Mycobacterium leprae drug resistance by using Hp-rPCR (hairpin primer- real time PCR) method].


Rapid and simple detection method of drug resistance bacteria is required. In the present study, Hp-rPCR (hairpin primer-real time PCR) was applied to Mycobacterium leprae genes to detect mutations. Target sites of the method were as follows: first base and second base on 53rd codon and second base on 55th codon infolP1 gene for dapsone resistance, first base on 441st codon and 451st codon and second base on 456th and 458th codon in rpoB gene for rifampicin resistance, and first base on 89th codon and second base on 91st codon in gyrA gene for quinolone resistance which were common mutation sites in clinical reports. The total number of the target sites was 9. Mycobacterium leprae, Thai-53, Zensho-2 and Zensho-4 were used as reference bacteria in the present study and clear, reliable results were obtained. Double-blind study was conducted using 15 samples. The number of target sites was calculated as 135 in total by 9 sites in 15 samples. There was only one misreading in the blind samples and the sensitivity was more than 99%.

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Journal Article
Kai M

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