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QoL of ex-leprosy patients’ children in Vietnam

This study targeted children of ex-patients living in a leprosy village in Vietnam, and measured their QOL using the Kid-KINDL R Vietnamese version, which is a comprehensive health scale for children . In addition, the QOL of children in the general area was measured as a control group. Compared to the general group, the scores of former patients' children were significantly lower in terms of physical health, friends, and total quality of life scores. In addition, although there was no significant difference between the two groups in elementary school students, the scores of former patients in physical health and QOL total scores in junior high school students and in physical health and school life in high school students were significantly lower. Comparing the QOL scores of children of ex-patients by gender, the self-esteem and family in junior high school students and the total QOL score in high school students were significantly lower in boys. In the case of children of ex-patients, their QOL has declined since they were in junior high school, demonstrating that physical health, self-esteem, and family relationships need to be considered.

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Journal Article
Watanabe H
Tuan Anh V
Cong Ai H
Xuan Vy T
Sy Duy T
Quang Tien T
Thu Linh H