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Persons affected by leprosy and the COVID-19 global health crisis: a consultative calls report from GPZL’s emergency response Working Group 2

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted leprosy control and prevention and persons affected by leprosy. The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL) established emergency response working groups in April 2020 to address key challenges during the pandemic.

The Emergency Response Working Group Two organized regional calls for persons affected and representative organizations to identify their needs and challenges. Data compiled in this report reflects the generous contributions of persons affected. The Emergency Response Working Group Two is grateful for their assistance and recognizes the call participants as creators of this report. The appendix lists the organizations of persons affected that contributed to these calls.


The objective of the consultative calls was to identify specific needs and challenges of persons affected by leprosy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following issues were raised on a consistent basis: access to health care, fundamental goods, government support, stable livelihoods, information about COVID-19, and challenges due to intersecting vulnerabilities.

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Journal Article
Tucker A
Cruz A
Duck M
Timalsina A