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The pathology of the eye in armadillos experimentally infected with Mycobacterium leprae.


One hundred and twenty-seven eyes from 66 Mycobacterium leprae inoculated armadillos were studied histologically and some ultrastructurally. Inflammatory reactions were found in the following extraocular tissues: the eyelid, including the orbicularis muscle and the third eyelid, extraocular muscles, tear gland and Harder's gland. The early and slight changes of the intraocular tissues, small amounts of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophage infiltrations were confined to the area around the anterior angle specifically within the trabeculae and the adjacent ciliary body, the root of the iris and the limbus region of the cornea. But in the cases with severe lesions the whole uvea was densely infiltrated with large, foamy macrophages intermingled with small amounts of lymphocytes, plasma cells and frequently, neutrophils. No specific necrosis of the granulomas was seen. No explanation for the neutrophil infiltrations was given. The lesions in the cornea were significantly less severe than those in the uvea. Retinal lesions comprised of macrophage infiltrations were all obvious extensions of the adjacent uvea lesions. Acid-fast bacilla (AFB) were found within all tissues. The infection of the intraocular tissues in the armadillo eyes seemed to be mainly, if not solely, haematogenous.

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Journal Article
Brandt F
Zhou H M
Shi Z R
Kadzda J
Dhople A M
Kolk A
Schmidt D S

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