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NTD policy priorities: Science, values, and agenda setting.


Efficient and effective implementation of strategies to combat neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), the cycle of poverty, and the political instability they perpetuate requires cogent public policy. Developing cogent NTD policy requires a clear agenda and set of priorities. Policymakers in local, regional, national, and international settings can set agendas and priorities independently, or they can collaborate with multiple stakeholders to determine the best way to develop effective NTD policy. Lack of coordination may mean that no priorities are adequately resourced or some areas are overemphasized for non-scientifically valid political reasons. NTD scientists and physicians should acknowledge the need for priorities and participate in policy development alongside public health experts and community representatives to increase the likelihood that NTD policies will be effective, efficient, and sustainable.

In this article, we highlight value judgments relevant at the agenda-setting stage of the NTD policy process and describe why NTD researchers and physicians ought to participate in this process.

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Journal Article
Iltis A
Matthews K

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