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Mutations in the drug resistance-determining region of Mycobacterium lepromatosis isolated from leprosy patients in Mexico.


Mycobacterium lepromatosis, an independent species from Mycobacterium leprae, has been found to be a causative agent for diffuse lepromatous leprosy (DLL) in Mexico, but remains poorly studied. Here, the drug resistance-determining regions (DRDR) of folP1, rpoB and gyrA (conferring resistance to dapsone, rifampicin and quinolone, respectively) in M. lepromatosis from leprosy patients in Mexico were characterized. No mutations or silent mutations were found at previously characterized major sites in DRDR of M. lepromatosis. However, a non-synonymous mutation was found in codon 54 between two major sites of the folP1 DRDR in M. lepromatosis sequences. All M. lepromatosis isolates showed CAG sequence in codon 54 of folP1. Because the next codons 53 and 55 are known as major mutation sites for drug resistance, more detailed analysis using more samples is needed to determine whether it influences susceptibility to dapsone and/or efficiency of folate biosynthesis in M. lepromatosis or not.

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Journal Article
Kai M
Fafutis-Morris M
Miyamoto Y
Mukai T
Mayorga-Rodriguez J
Rodriguez-Castellanos MA
Martínez-Guzman MA
Matsuoka M