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[Molecular mechanism of the acquisition of new-quinolone resistance in Mycobacterium leprae and M. tuberculosis and rapid differentiation methods for resistant bacilli].


Drugs included in new-quinolone are used for the treatment of leprosy with single lesion. These drugs are also known to be effective drugs for the treatment of multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis. Recent emergence of new-quinolone resistant M. leprae and M. tuberculosis enforced the urgent elucidation of the mode of emergence of new-quinolone resistant strains. In this review, new-quinolone drugs, their mode of action and mechanism of acquisition of resistance by M. leprae and M. tuberculosis were explained. And rapid differentiation methods for resistant bacilli were also introduced.

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Journal Article
Kim H
Suzuki H
Matsuoka M
Matsuba T
Yokoyama K
Nakajima C
Suzuki Y

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