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[Leprosy survey conducted in the Central African Republic from 1982 to 1985 among the Ba-Benzele Pygmies].


A leprosy survey was conducted from 1982 to 1985 among 2650 semi-sedentarized Pygmies in two camp-villages in the Central African Republic. Leprosy is endemic there, with an estimated prevalence rate of 1.05% and an annual detection rate of 0.2%. In view of its close relations with other neighbouring ethnic groups this Pygmy community can be considered as a target population the study of which provides indications on the transmission and typical course of leprosy in the region and also as a potential focus of contamination. However, the concurrent presence of endemic tuberculosis made it necessary during the survey to look for clinical associations of leprosy and tuberculosis in patients so that the standard multidrug treatment schedules comprising rifampicin could be adjusted accordingly.

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Journal Article
Baquillon G
Scandella B
Testa J
Desfontaines M
André J
Limbassa J

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