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Leprosy awareness among doctors during survey of district Larkana

The purpose of study was to measure the level of awareness about Leprosy among doctors working at Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana and Talukas of Larkana district. The survey was primarily focused on disease symtomatology, source of infection, cure and acceptance of leprosy patients in society. The results obtained show that doctors knew the symptoms and source of leprosy but majority of the doctors were ill informed about its cure and acceptance in civil society. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed out of which 25/250 questionnaires were improperly filled and 225/250 questionnaires were properly filled and scrutinized. Out of 225 doctors 172/225 (76.4%) knew the symptomatology of the disease while 53/250 (23.5%) doctors were unaware about the symptoms of leprosy. 133/172(77.3%) doctors had knowledge about the source of infection, while 39/172(22.6%) did not. Regarding treatment of leprosy 60/133 (45.1%) doctors knew management and on the contrary 73/133(54.8%) doctors were not sure about treatment. 21/60 (35%) doctors accepted social activities like having a cup of tea with a leper or working in the same environment or keeping them as helpers. While 39/60(65%) doctors rejected lepers socially.

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Journal Article
Soomro F R
Pathan G M

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