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Intraoperative cyanosis: a case of dapsone-induced methaemoglobinaemia.


Intraoperative cyanosis is most commonly caused by hypoxaemia. The anaesthetist is required to perform a rapid series of diagnostic manoeuvres and take remedial action. Occasionally methaemoglobin, sulfhaemoglobin, or haemoglobin M, undetected preoperatively, is the cause of the cyanosis. We report a case of methaemoglobinaemia secondary to dapsone ingestion that was diagnosed intraoperatively. Dapsone, a sulfone, is used therapeutically to treat leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis. The differential diagnosis of cyanosis, and the origin and fate of methaemoglobin are discussed. In addition the diagnostic steps and the laboratory investigations required to make the diagnosis are listed.

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Journal Article
Mayo W
Leighton K
Robertson B
Ruedy J

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