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Interesting unusual associations in three leprosy cases.


Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease with significant morbidity and a considerable social stigma attached to it. Here we report 3 cases with unusual associations of leprosy with other disorders. First case was a 53 year old female, treated case of lepromatous leprosy with recurrent painless bilateral periorbital swelling of 3 years duration predominantly involving the upper eyelids followed by laxity and hyperpigmentation, clinically diagnosed as Blepharochalasis. Second case was a 40 year old man, treated Borderline Tuberculoid (BT) case presented with a slowly growing asymptomatic swelling with multiple discharging sinuses on right foot since 2 months was diagnosed clinically as mycetoma foot and was treated with Modified Welsh regimen with marked improvement. Third case was 20 year old boy, born healthy, consanguineous parents, presented with generalised asymptomatic light and dark coloured lesions since 8years of age and large hypopigmented hypoaesthetic lesions on back and buttocks since 4 months. A diagnosis of BT leprosy with Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria (DUH) was made and was given multibacillary multidrug therapy.

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Journal Article
Mhatre S
Someshwar S
Jerajani H

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