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[Initial manifestation of tuberculoid leprosy in pregnancy. Guidelines for diagnosis and therapy].


Pregnancy has long been associated with the first presentation of clinical leprosy or aggravation of the existing disease. In Germany leprosy has been diagnosed in 107 patients since 1980. A 27-year-old Singhalese female, gravida 2 at 14 weeks' gestation was admitted with well defined, elevated, erythematous lesions on her cheeks and nose. Clinical examination revealed central anaesthesia in the lesions. No further signs of leprosy in the skin, the mucosae and the peripheral nerves were found. Fite-Faraco staining of the skin biopsy showed sporadic acid-fast bacilli and confirmed an active subpolar tuberculoid leprosy (TTs). Outpatient treatment was immediately initiated with oral rifampin 600 mg monthly and dapsone 100 mg daily. During the 4-month treatment cycle the skin lesions vanished completely. Additional leprosy reactions did not occur and the medication was well tolerated. However, in the 32nd gestational week the patient was readmitted with premature labour and 3 weeks later Caesarean section was performed because of cardiotocographic pathology. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for M. leprae of placental tissue was negative. Antibodies against phenolic glycolipid 1 (PGL 1) of M. leprae (IgM-Elisa and Dot-Elisa) from cord blood, maternal and newborn blood were not found. On the fifth postpartal day the healthy mother and her baby were discharged. In conclusion, leprosy in pregnancy can be treated safely and successfully by combined drug therapy.

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Journal Article
Neuer A
Spang E
Sticht-Groh V

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