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An indirect immunoperoxidase assay for rapid serodiagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis.


An easy, inexpensive and rapid indirect immunoperoxidase assay for serodiagnosis of Kala-azar (VL) has been tried using whole promastigotes of L. donovani in dried smear form as antigen. A total of 138 sera were tested including sera from parasite positive cases of VL (32), normal controls from endemic (20) and non-endemic (20) areas, cases of tuberculosis (10), leprosy (10), amoebic hepatitis (10), malaria (10) and tropical splenomegaly (26). All the positive control sera were positive in very high dilutions of serum ranging from 1/500 to 1/64,000. None of the sera with other diseases were positive by this method except 3 cases with tropical splenomegaly were positive in low titres. No other cause could be established in these cases for splenomegaly. Sensitivity and specificity of the test were found to be 100 and 95.3% respectively. Predictive values of the negative and positive tests were 100 and 86.5% respectively.

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Journal Article
Jain A
Agrawal M
Tiwari V

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