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Incidence of leprosy in school-children and their family members in Berhampur.


A school survey, followed by a contact survey, was carried out in Berhampur, a city in southern Orissa. In a study of 8,870 school-children, leprosy was detected in 15, giving a prevalence rate of 16.91 per 10,000 with a male:female ratio of 8:7. Of these, 14 (93.99%) had paucibacillary leprosy. More cases [11 (73.33%)] were seen in the age-group of 10-15 years. Exposed parts, such as lower limbs, upper limbs and head and neck in that order, were the sites of predilection, accounting for 85.71% of total lesions. Nerve involvement was found in 2 (13.33%) girls with deformity (ulnar claw) in one of them (6.66%). BCG scar was present in 11 (73.33%) cases. Among the vaccinated cases, tuberculoid type was the most common, followed by indeterminate, pure neuritic and borderline, in that order. A contact survey detected 2 multibacillary cases in two families (13.33%). In each case, the father was the index source. The study revealed that a maximum number of students, 8 (53.3%), belonged to the middle socioeconomic class. Of the 15 affected, 60% were undernourished and the rest well nourished. No other systemic disease was found clinically associated with leprosy.

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Journal Article
Sahoo A
Singh P C
Pattnaik S
Singh N

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