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[Immuno-allergic accidents with rifamipcin].


We report 2 new cases of immuno-allergic side-effects of rifampicin (RMP), occurred in leprosy patients treated by multidrug therapy. These cases illustrate the various features of this type of complication. In one case, the patient exhibited few days after restarting of RMP (600 mg daily), a typical flu syndrome associated to a thrombopenia. Previously, the patient had received discontinued RMP (300 mg, 3/5 days) that had to be stopped after 11 months for "general malaise" that in fact corresponded to a flu syndrome. The second patient developed a flu syndrome associated with a diffuse eczematous eruption one year after the onset of daily RMP (600 mg). Anti-RMP antibodies were detected only in the first case. The pathogenic mechanisms and the clinico-biologic features are discussed.

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Journal Article
Flageul B
Wagner L
Cottenot F

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