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IL-6 production in response to purified mycobacterial heat-shock proteins and to antigen 85 in leprosy.


IL-6 production was examined in PBMC cultures from healthy leprosy contacts and from leprosy patients stimulated with the purified mycobacterial 18-, 65-, and 70-kDa heat-shock proteins (hsp) and the secreted fibronectin-binding antigen 85 (Ag85). In lepromin-negative contacts, the 70-kDa hsp was the only antigen capable of eliciting significant IL-6 production. In lepromin-positive contacts, Ag85, the 65- and the 70-kDa hsp induced substantial IL-6 titers. IL-6 levels induced with the 70-kDa antigen were about fourfold higher than with the 65-kDa hsp or with Ag85. The 18-kDa antigen did not induce any IL-6 in these healthy contacts. PBMC from tuberculoid leprosy patients produced even more elevated levels of IL-6, and PBMC from lepromatous leprosy patients produced extremely high levels of IL-6. All antigens were capable of inducing IL-6 in leprosy patients. Highest levels were found in cultures stimulated with the 65-kDa hsp, and lowest levels were in cultures stimulated with the 18-kDa hsp.

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Journal Article
Launois P
Vandenbussche P
M'Bayame N N
Drowart A
Van Vooren J P
Sarthou J L
Millan J
Huygen K

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