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Home sanitation and personal hygiene relation to leprosy


Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Leprae which attacks the peripheral nerves, skin and other body parts except the central nerve. The number of leprosy is still a public health problem in Indonesia because of the high disability rate. From the data of the Health Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2018, the number of lepers in the Kotabaru Siberida Health Center is 14. This study aims to determine the Relationship of House Sanitation (density of room occupants, humidity, type of floor) and Personal Hygiene with Leprosy in Kotabaru Siberida Village. This type of research is an analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique in this study is a random sampling using inclusion criteria, namely: all family heads and family members who suffer from leprosy and head of family who are close to their home with lepers. the research shows that there is a relationship between dwelling density with leprosy (ρ = 0.030 <0.05), there is a relationship between air humidity and leprosy (ρ = 0.035 <0.05), there is a relationship between floor type and leprosy (ρ = 0.029 <0.05) and there is a relationship of Personal Hygiene with leprosy (ρ = 0.015 <0.05). Health workers can provide education to the public about leprosy, the characteristics of leprosy, how to prevent it. Conducting an early examination by health workers in the community, the supervisor to take medication. The community can apply clean and healthy living behavior in the family and community environment. To avoid leprosy

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