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Haplotypes of the IL10 gene as potential protection factors in leprosy patients.


Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae characterized by dermatoneurological signs and symptoms that has a large number of new cases worldwide. Several studies have associated interleukin 10 with susceptibility/resistance to several diseases. We investigated haplotypes formed by three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the IL10 gene (A-1082G, C-819T, and C-592A) in order to better understand the susceptibility to and severity of leprosy in an admixed northern Brazil population, taking into account estimates of interethnic admixture. We observed the genotypes ACC/ACC (P = 0.021, odds ratio [OR] [95% confidence interval (CI)] = 0.290 [0.085 to 0823]) and ACC/GCC (P = 0.003, OR [95% CI] = 0.220 [0.504 to 0.040]) presenting significant results for protection against leprosy development, framed in the profiles of low and medium interleukin production, respectively. Therefore, we suggest that genotypes A-1082G, C-819T, and C-592A formed by interleukin-10 polymorphisms are closely related to protection of the leprosy development in an admixed northern Brazil population, in particular ACC/ACC and ACC/GCC genotypes.

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Journal Article
Garcia P
Alencar D
Pinto P
Santos N
Salgado CG
Sortica VA
Hutz M
Ribeiro-Dos-Santos A
Santos S