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[Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon transfer for intrinsic paralysis in leprosy].


A follow up study was performed in the rehabilitation centre for patients with leprosy in Hôchiminhville - Vietnam. All patients had claw-hand deformity due to ulnar and median nerve intrinsic paralysis. Thirty-two affected hands (128 long fingers) were included in the study. A Bunnel-Littler tendon transfer procedure was performed using a four-tailed graft of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the third finger. Clinical evaluation included anatomical measurements of interphalangeal and metacarpal joints in complete extension and in the intrinsic position. In the open hand assessment, 48.5% reported good results, 14.8% medium results and 36.7% poor results. With the hand in the intrinsic position, 53.9% achieved good results, while 33.6% achieved medium results and poor in 12.5%. Poor functional outcome is related to a failure of this procedure and seems to be due to extensor tendon laxity, with or without stiffness of the interphalangeal joints. There were many anatomical deformities (27.3%) found at the time of follow up, notably boutonniere (51.4%) and mallet finger deformities (31.4%) The fourth and fifth fingers had the worst results. We have therefore decided to change our protocol for claw-hand correction and use the Bouvier test in deciding on our surgical indications. Preoperative physiotherapy is absolutely necessary to reduce stiffness of the interphalangeal joints.

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Journal Article
Bauer B
Khoa N-K
Chabaud B
Chaise F
Quang H-T
Comtet J-J