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The factors influencing the operational efficiency of leprosy case detection programme.


Under our National Leprosy Eradication Programme, Leprosy cases are being detected by para-medical workers by conducting population surveys. In order to detect the leprosy cases early, for their timely anti-leprosy treatment, it is necessary that the leprosy surveys are implemented and supervised efficiently. However, present experience indicates that the existing survey efficiency needs to be improved, for which it is necessary to analyse the factors which may interfere with the optimal survey efficiency of para-medical workers. An attempt has been made through present piece of work to identify such factors in relation to (i) the para-medical workers and survey facilities, (ii) the implementation and supervision of leprosy survey and (iii) the community involved in survey. These factors are discussed in detail to assist the NLEP Administrators in devising a suitable action plan to improve leprosy case detection efficiency.

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Journal Article
Kumar A
Durgambal K
Kalaivani S
Sirumban P

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