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Epithelioid cell granuloma induction in the guinea pig by haptenated Mycobacterium leprae.


Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated Mycobacterium leprae (FITC-M. leprae) was injected intradermally into the ears of guinea pigs and granuloma formation in the draining postauricular lymph nodes was studied. At 2 weeks, there was an increase in weights and infiltration of the draining lymph nodes in half of the animals injected with FITC-M. leprae. At 5 weeks, there was a significant increase in the weights and infiltration of these draining lymph nodes in the guinea pigs injected with haptenated M. leprae compared with those injected with unconjugated M. leprae. At 5 weeks, there was also a significant increase in delayed type hypersensitivity responses to 25 micrograms purified protein derivative. Histologically, epithelioid cell granulomas were seen in these lymph nodes as early as 2 weeks when FITC-M. leprae was used as the source of antigen. Enhancement in the immunogenicity of M. leprae by conjugation with FITC has been postulated.

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Journal Article
Verghese S
Curtis J
Turk J L

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