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[Epidemiology of endemic leprosy in the People's Republic of the Congo. Risk factors and markers].


A national prevalence survey of leprosy was made in june 1989 in Popular Republic of Congo: authors report results. The prevalence rate is 5.8% +/- 2.6% among people more than 15 years of age, and 10.5% of all forms are multibacillary. All patients are under DDS monotherapy. One overwhelming risk factor is leprosy antecedents in the family history; active case-finding and surveillance of contacts are recommended.

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Journal Article
Louis J P
Trebucq A
Hengy C
Coddy-Zitsamele R
Eozenou P
Baya-Tsika N
Obvala D
Jannin J
Gelas H
Cottenot F

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