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Developing guidelines to strengthen participation of persons affected by leprosy in leprosy services: Report of the meeting 9-10 June, Manila, Philippines


A meeting to develop guidelines to strengthen the participation of persons affected by leprosy in leprosy services was held in Manila, Philippines from 9-10 June 2010. The objective of the meeting was to review the draft guidelines. The guidelines are aimed at helping national programme managers to strengthen the participation of person affected by leprosy in the various leprosy services carried out by the national programme and its partners. By mobilizing affected persons, it is hoped that they will be able to contribute towards improving the leprosy services at the community level. Areas where affected people could be involved as partners, and how they can support leprosy services, were highlighted during the meeting. Affected people make presentations on what has been done in the areas of reducing stigma and discrimination, counselling, support for referral of patients, improving community awareness and rehabilitation.

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