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A comparative evaluation of bacteriologic and morphologic indices of Mycobacterium leprae in skin, lymph node, bone marrow, nerve and muscle.


This study elicits the comparative evaluation of the Bacteriologic Index (BI) and Morphologic Index (MI) of the skin, lymph node, bone marrow, nerve and muscle tissues of 15 untreated leprosy patients. The findings of comparable or even higher BI's and MI's in lymph nodes than skin are of considerable interest, especially the presence of a significant percentage of viable bacilli during reaction states when MI of skin and nerve tissue was found to be negative. Evaluation of the BI's and MI's of lymph nodes has been suggested to be of utmost importance for follow-up studies of patients being treated with antileprosy drugs.

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Journal Article
Kaur S
Minocha Y C
Sengupta U
Naik S

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