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[Case report: Sulfone Syndrome in leprosy patient]


We report the case of a woman with leprosy who was treated with MDT-MB/ WHO and presented 4 weeks after the start of treatment, fever, malaise, weakness, jaundice, edema and rashes in feet and hands, hepatitis, pruritus, dysphagia, haemolytic anemia, submandibular lymph node, as well as nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain. Laboratory tests showed decreased hemoglobin, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, increased hepatic transaminases, indirect hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia, DHL and elevated TAP. A diagnosis of Dapsone Syndrome was established, treatment of leprosy was suspended and the patient was advised to return treatment after hospital discharge, with replacement of dapsone.

Translated Abstract

Relata-se o caso de uma mulher portadora de hanseníase que estava em tratamento com PQT-MB/OMS e apresentou 4 semanas após o início do tratamento, febre, mal-estar, fraqueza, icterícia, edema e erupções cutâneas em pés e mãos, hepatite, prurido, disfagia, anemia hemolítica, linfonodo submandibular, além de náuseas, vômitos e dor epigástrica. Os exames laboratoriais demonstraram diminuição da hemoglobina, leucocitose, eosinofilia, aumento das transaminases hepáticas, hiperbilirrubinemia indireta, hipoalbuminemia, DHL e TAP elevados. Estabeleceu-se diagnóstico de Síndrome da Dapsona, sendo o tratamento da hanseníase suspenso e a paciente orientada a retornar o tratamento após alta hospitalar, com substituição da dapsona.

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Journal Article
Gonçalves TS
Pereira ECG
Netto PRS
Freire RAC
Mendes SUR

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