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A Case of Recurrent Erythema Nodosum Leprosum for 3 Years


Erythema nodosum leprsum(ENL) is a painful, erythematous subcutaneous and dermal nodules which occurs mainly in lepromatous leprosy. Usually, it starts about 1 year after onset of treatment and lasts from a few days to weeks or months. Rarely it lasts for years. Although the lesions of ENL develop any part of the body, the favorite sites are extensor sites of the extremities, medial thigh, and face. We report a case of ENL which showed about 20 times recurrences for 3 years from 15months after initial treatment because of its widespread inflammatory lesions and duration of the disease. The ENL lesions recurred repeatedly with 2 weeks to 3months interval for 3 years and the tender reddish nodules developed not only in extremities but also on the trunk. During treatment course, he developed diabetes mellitus, Cushings syndrome as complications of long term use of corticosteroid and also developed xanthoma, hyperpigmentation, and ichthyosis.

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Journal Article
Yi J H
Choi H S
Ihm C W