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Assessing knowledge about leprosy and tuberculosis in primary care in the community of Ananindeua/PA

Introduction: leprosy is an infectious pathology with a chronic characteristic caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The predilection for skin and peripheral nerves gives peculiar characteristics to this disease, making its diagnosis simple to be verified in a clinical evaluation. The number of new cases registered in the country in the year has remained stable, however the factor of concern is the hidden incidence, defined as the expected new cases that are not being diagnosed or are reported late. In turn, another infectious disease affecting the world population is tuberculosis. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus, having an affinity for the lung parenchyma, creating cavitations with very striking clinical presentations. Brazil reported 68 thousand new cases of tuberculosis in 2014, and this high incidence makes it occupy the 16th position in number of cases among the 22 countries with a high burden of the disease. Therefore, although leprosy and tuberculosis are old diseases and with notable diagnoses, there is still a lack of information by the general population, especially in more vulnerable areas such as the present study. Objective: To report the experience of medical students during an educational action on the main aspects related to Tuberculosis and Leprosy in the community of Ananindeua / PA in 2018. Method: The activity on leprosy and tuberculosis was carried out at the Cristo Rei Community Center, UBS Pedreirinha area, Ananindeua, Pará, by academics from the 3rd semester of the medical course with 20 participants, including young people, adults and elderly in the area. Since it is about a dense content and full of mystifications, a more interactive and dynamic approach to the subject was required. A test was constructed containing eight questions, six of which were multiple choice containing five alternatives and two questions of true and false, using expressions of easy understanding about the concept of certain pathologies, the forms of transmission, signs and symptoms. Results and Discussion: Through the evaluation test, a paradigm was broken between the community and the students, in order to exemplify the required information. Furthermore, it was noticed that the community had greater prior knowledge about tuberculosis compared to leprosy, in terms of clinical phases, concepts and even guidance on possible medications. Conclusion: in this context, it was observed that this applied didactic offered greater support and confidence for the participants to demonstrate their degree of deepening about such pathologies and, later, to add these discussions held in the change of thought having a social impact seen as positive after this implementation activity in the reported area.

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Journal Article
de Albuquerque MRTC
de Sousa Borges M