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The application of advances in neurosciences for the control of neurological disorders

A WHO Study Group on the Application of Recent Advances in Neurosciences for the Control of Neurological Disorders met in Abidjan from 28 March to 1 April 1977. The Secretary of the Study Group opened the meeting on behalf of the Director-General. The purposes of the meeting were as follows: (1) To review recent advances and technology in the neurosciences, as well as manpower requirements, with the aim of applying such knowledge in the prevention, control and management of neurological disorders, especially in the developing countries. (2) To make recommendations concerning the ways and means of achieving this end. (3) To make recommendations about further research in areas in which lack of knowledge is the main obstacle to the further development of programmes leading to an improvement in health care. Subjects discussed include epilepsy, leprosy, bacterial meningitis, malaria, trypanosomiasis, cysticercosis, viral infections, malnutrition, cerebrovascular disease, parkinsonism

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