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An anthropological method for measuring exposure to leprosy in a leproxy-endemic population at Karimui, New Guinea.


An epidemiologically useful method of calculating exposure to leprosy is described. The method is based on the application of anthropological principles, and was used successfully in the Karimui Leprosy Research Project in New Guinea. The method could also be adapted for use in other epidemiological studies.The importance of patterned social relationships, and therefore contacts not only within but also outside the household of residence, is stressed. The patterned relationships are presented as a set of structural distance scales which allow a score to be awarded for contacts at various levels of intensity, taking into account age, sex, marital status, etc. An individual numbering system is used so that relationships can be coded for computer analysis. In view of the large number of comparisons to be made, in even small communities, the use of a computer is essential for the application of this method.

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Journal Article
Hausfeld R G

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