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Introduction: Currently, there is leprosy in all parts of the world and according to the WHO, in endemic countries, such as Brazil, it is possible to observe differences in prevalence between regions, states, microregions, municipalities, in addition the complications of this disease can lead patients resorting to the use of hospital services, which in addition to causing secondary problems brings an overload to the health network since patients with leprosy with the proper follow-up of primary care generally do not present complications to the point of needing hospitalization. Objective: In view of this, the objective of this study is to analyze the profile of leprosy patients who seek hospital care in the capital of Piauí within the scope of the health care system / notification / hospitalization of the Unified Health System. Methodology: The present study is characterized as a documentary evaluation study, which uses public data from the statistical tools of the DATASUS network. The data were tabulated as “outpatient productivity” and were filtered by number of outpatient and hospital care, which were expressed as the total number of the historical series of the last 5 years for hospital care (2015-2019). Results: The data show that there is a higher prevalence of leprosy complications that lead to the need for hospitalization for males, in addition it is possible to postulate that there is a relationship between hospital need and the age of patients, in addition to an increase in demand hospital services with increasing age, which postulates the idea that within the primary care environment, care for this portion of the population must be even more careful so that they do not need hospital interventions. Final Considerations: The study allowed us to conclude that there is an age group with a higher risk for leprosy complications that can lead to hospitalization within the municipality of Teresina-PI

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