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Impact of migration on new case detection rates in leprosy in Gudiyatham Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India

Migration of persons affected by leprosy was hinted at as early as 1929 (Bhaskara Rao 1930). All new cases of leprosy in Isfahan Province (Iran) were found to be migrants (Asilian et al 2005). Chudasama (2007) suspected increase in leprosy cases in Surat district to migration. These suggest migration contributes to new cases. This study was done to find out 1. Extent of migration among new cases, 2. Characteristics of migrants, 3. Occupational pattern 4.Reasons for migration. 5.Place of origin of migrants 6. Assimilation of migrants into the society. Trained staff collected information regarding migration using special questionnaire from all 222 new untreated cases from the field area of Community Health department during 2004 to 2008. Migrants were 10.4%. Distribution of place of residence, age, gender, marital status, education, mode of detection, Ridley-Jopling and MB/PB classifications of migrants were not significantly different from that of nonmigrants. Grade 2 deformities were more among migrants. All migrants found occupation. Mostly men migrated for job and women for joining their husbands. The role of migration in increasing the number of new cases cannot be minimized. Enhanced efforts should be made to provide adequate medical, health and rehabilitation services for them also.

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Journal Article
Samuel ER
Bushanam J D R S
Ebenezer M
Richard J