00893nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001260001900042100001800061245008200079856011000161520051200271 2022 d bWolters Kluwer1 avan Brakel WH00aZero leprosy: A united effort using existing & new tools but new perspectives uhttps://journals.lww.com/ijmr/Citation/9000/Zero_leprosy__A_united_effort_using_existing___new.99947.aspx3 a

The WHO Global Leprosy Strategy 2021-2030 ‘Towards zero leprosy’ was published in 20211 . ‘Zero leprosy’ is an often-used term to express the global vision of what partners in the leprosy field are striving to achieve. It is commonly differentiated into ‘zero transmission’ (or ‘no disease’), ‘zero (no) disability’ and ‘zero (no) discrimination’2 . It is good to reflect on what these goals mean since their horizons and the tools needed to achieve them are very different.