01611nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260004700042100001800089700001500107245008400122856007100206300001100277490000600288520113400294022002501428 2022 d bFaculty of Pharmacy, Mulawarman University1 aPrakoeswa FRS1 aMaharani F00aPeran Disregulasi Imunitas dalam Terapi Kusta pada Area Endemis: Artikel Review uhttps://jsk.farmasi.unmul.ac.id/index.php/jsk/article/view/912/352 a99-1040 v43 a

Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, causes health problems and endemic in several countries. The number of new cases of leprosy is constantly reported in endemic countries. Therapeutic efforts in leprosy patients are carried out with the aim of reducing the level of transmission and disability of leprosy patients. Leprosy therapy with the use of a multidrug regimen (MDT) has been shown to be able to reduce the number of leprosy cases but has not been able to suppress the rate of growth of new leprosy cases. The constant number of new cases of leprosy in endemic areas indicates community infection and the inability of MDT as a single strategy to complete treatment and stop the transmission of leprosy. The transmission of leprosy is known to be multifactorial involving: microbial factors, host factors, and environmental factors. These factors are thought to cause immune dysregulation and increase the risk of leprosy infection in people living in endemic areas. An understanding of immune dysregulation is needed to achieve succesful treatment and the eradication of leprosy.

 a2407-6082, 2303-0267