02095nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001100001800042700001400060700001400074700001200088700001600100245005500116856008500171300000800256490000700264520162800271022001401899 2019 d1 aShiva Raj K C1 aGeetika K1 aGyawali P1 aSingh M1 aSijapati MJ00aLeprosy - eliminated and forgotten: a case report. uhttps://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13256-019-2198-1 a2760 v133 a

BACKGROUND: Leprosy is a disease that was declared eliminated in 2010 from Nepal; however, new cases are diagnosed every year. The difficulty arises when the presentation of the patient is unusual.

CASE PRESENTATION: In this case report we present a case of a 22-year-old Tamang man, from the Terai region of Nepal, with a clinical presentation of fever, malaise, and arthralgia for the past 2 weeks with hepatosplenomegaly and bilateral cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymphadenopathy. Features of chronic inflammation with elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 90 mm/hour and liver enzymes were noted. With no specific investigative findings, a diagnosis of Still's disease was made and he was given prednisolone. On tapering the medication, after 2 weeks, the lymphadenopathy and fever reappeared. On biopsy of a lymph node, diagnosis of possible tuberculosis was made. On that basis anti-tuberculosis treatment category I was started. During his hospital stay, our patient developed nodular skin rashes on his shoulder, back, and face. The biopsy of a skin lesion showed erythema nodosum leprosum and he was diagnosed as having lepromatous leprosy with erythema nodosum leprosum; he was treated with anti-leprosy medication.

CONCLUSION: An unusual presentations of leprosy may delay its prompt diagnosis and treatment; thus, increasing morbidity and mortality. Although leprosy has been declared eliminated, it should not be forgotten and physicians should have it in mind to make it a differential diagnosis whenever relevant.
