01351nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001100001800042700001400060700001600074245012300090856008300213520090700296022001401203 2019 d1 aMantellini Ç1 açalves A1 aPadovani CR00a[Public policies related to leprosy physical disabilities at the turn of the century: a decade of (lack of) control ?] uhttp://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0103-73312019000100603&script=sci_arttext3 a

The Public Policies referred to the control of the physical disabilities in leprosy (PDL) during the 1995-2005 decade are our main interest.

Material and Methods: Wide-ranging thematic revision on official texts of the World Health Organization and of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, published during the mentioned period.

Results: We have been able to aim evidences which pointed to the consideration that Public Policies related to the PDL are issued on a secondary level, essentially in function of the drug treatment, considered as priority against the endemic disease.

Conclusions: We may conclude that, due to mistakes done specifically to the PDL and in general to the illness itself, commitments referring to the elimination of the leprosy were frustrate repeated times, unfortunately, mainly in our country.
